All windows Apps stopped working. When I try to open any windows 8.1 App it will open, show up start App Screen and then close. I was able to see the app on my "Taskbar". I tried all the solutions given on different forums. i.e ran system file checker, tried system app troubleshooter. nothing worked for me.
I found that it happened after I installed Corel Draw X4. The Corel Draw x4 installation changed some permissions to the App store and apps.
- Open Registry Editor regedit.exe
- Right Click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
- Click on "Permissions"
- You must have a "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES" in "Group or User Names". If not present then it is the ROOT OF PROBLEM
- Click on "Add".
- Click on "Advanced".
- Click on "Find Now".
- You will see in the "Search Results" -> "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES".
- Double click on it and in "Select Users or Groups" You will see it in "Enter the Object name to select".
- Click "Ok".
- Now you will see "ALL APPLICATION PAcKAGES" in "Group or User Names:" list. Click on it.
- click on "Allow" -> "Read". and Click Ok
- Close Registry Editor. No need to restart.
- Click on your apps All of them should be working.